Tests Structure

To run tests using AltWalker you need a models and tests implementing the models.

Usually your project will look like this:

├── models/
│   └── ...
└── tests/
    └── ...

Inside the models directory you will keep your models, and inside the tests directory you will have a test package containing the implementation of the models.

Now AltWalker supports two languages: Python and C#/.NET.


AltWalker requires a python package (usually named tests) and inside a python module named test.py.

├── models/
│   └── ...
└── tests/
    ├── __init__.py
    └── test.py

Inside test.py each model is implemented in a class, and each vertex/edge in a method inside the class.

# tests/test.py

class ModelA:
    """The implementation of the model named ModelA."""

    def vertex_a(self):
        """The implementation of the vertex named vertex_a form ModelA."""

    def edge_a(self):
        """The implementation of the edge named edge_a form ModelA."""

class ModelB:
    """The implementation of the model named ModelB."""

    def vertex_b(self):
        """The implementation of the vertex named vertex_b form ModelB."""

    def edge_b(self):
        """The implementation of the edge named edge_b form ModelB."""


AltWalker implements four test fixtures inspired by JUnit and the python unittest module:

  • setUpRun: Will be executed first, before anything else.

  • tearDownRun: Will be executed last.

  • setUpModel: Will be executed before executing any step from this model.

  • tearDownModel: Will be executed after executing all steps from this model.

All fixtures are optional.

# tests/test.py

def setUpRun():
    """Will be executed first, before anything else."""

def tearDownRun():
    """Will be executed last."""

class ModelA:

    def setUpModel(self):
        """Will be executed before executing any step from this model."""

    def tearDownModel(self):
        """Will be executed after executing all steps from this model."""

    def vertex_a(self):

    def edge_a(self):

Read/Update Graph Data

If you are using the online command your test code has direct access to the graphs execution context provided by GraphWalker.

In order to read/update the graph data from your tests, you need to define the method with a parameter, and AltWalker will pass the graph data to your method. This method is a way of executing actions from you test code.

Updating the graph data can affect the path generation so this feature in not available in Offline Mode.

The second parameter will be a dict object, that object allows you to read and update the graph data.

def element_method(self, data):
    """A simple example of a method for a vertex/edge inside a model.

        data: AltWalker will pass a ``dict`` object.

    # to get the value for a single key
    value = data["key"]

    # to set a new value for a key
    data["strVariable"] = "new_value"
    data["intVariable"] = 1
    data["boolVariable"] = True


Note that you can set keys to string, integer or boolean values, but GraphWalker will always return strings.

So you have to convert your values back to there type.

  • for integers

value = int(data["integer"])
  • for boolean

value = data["boolean"] == "true"

Verify your code

You can use the verify command to check your code against the models for issues.

$ altwalker verify tests -l python -m models/model-name.json